Milestone: successful transfer of Deutz Asia Pacific headqua

time:2022-05-25 19:27 edit:admin Share to:
On October 29, 2021, the opening ceremony of Deutz Asia Pacific was successfully held in Putuo District, Shanghai. This ceremony is to celebrate the successful strategic transfer of Deutz Asia Pacific headquarters from Singapore to Shanghai. Accompanied by exciting music, the six guests stood on the stage and took a group photo. But everyone present knows that what is really exciting is the new development of Deutz Asia Pacific in the future after the ceremony. "In 2020, we invested a lot of money in R & D, and now we have the ability to directly serve the whole Asia Pacific Region - including China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, India and Australia," said the CEO of Deutz confidently

Milestone significance

The opening ceremony is of great milestone significance for DEUTZ, and today is naturally inseparable from the efforts of the past few years. Before 2018, DEUTZ China Shanghai office was just a small agent team with dozens of people. At this time, the Asia Pacific headquarters was still in Singapore. However, when DEUTZ fully realized that China was the world's largest internal combustion engine market, he resolutely transferred the Asia Pacific headquarters from Singapore to China in the face of attractive development potential.

The transformation began in China

In 2018, DEUTZ began to transform the organizational structure, product strategy and operation mode of the whole Asia Pacific region. Deutz has been in China for 45 years and has always enjoyed a high reputation. The transformation of "new DEUTZ" began in China. The first step of "new DEUTZ" in China was to establish a bonded warehouse in Putuo, Shanghai. Taopu town government first expressed trust and resolutely opened its warm embrace.

Smooth localization

In the past three years, DEUTZ first built its own factory in Tianjin, thus realizing localized production, not only serving the Asia Pacific, but also supporting global business. At the same time, DEUTZ has also started the integration of China's agent network to provide cutting-edge services for the whole Chinese market, adhere to the truth of customer first, pay attention to and solve the problems most concerned by customers in time and meet the most urgent needs of customers.

Continuous localization transformation can better adapt to the changing market. Mr. Cui Shitan said: "we firmly believe that if you want to become a strong player in the local market, you need a strong local team." Deutz has hired many domestic talents to develop the market according to local conditions. Through unremitting efforts, Hunan DEUTZ power co founded a joint venture with Sany in Changsha. Despite the fierce competition, it successfully produced 20000 engines in the first year of its establishment. "The future goal is to produce 200000 engines per year." Mr. Tristan is full of expectations.

Looking to the future

The transfer of Asia Pacific headquarters is indeed an important step in DEUTZ's strategy, but the future development after the transfer is more full of expectations. Following the development trend of the times, DEUTZ is carrying out the research and development of new energy engines conscientiously, and I believe it can inject more vitality into the whole engine market. Just like Li Xuejun, CEO of Deutz China: "seize the opportunity of 'carbon neutralization and carbon peak' and contribute to the green revolution of the whole mankind."

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